Control Periodontal Disease! An Ultrasonic Unit With An Integrated Tactile Perception
Periodontology plays an increasingly important role in modern dental practices – that is why it is mespecially important to invest in a proper oral hygiene program. Even today the PerioScan provides you with ideal perspectives for the future. It is the first ultrasonic unit with a tactile perception.
PerioScan not only removes calculus (plaque) but also detects it without harming the healthy tooth structure, accurately and reliably, even in subgingival (below the gum level) regions. How? The coloured light on the Illuminator indicates whether or not there is subgingival (below the gum) plaque that exists. The risk of inadequate or excessive treatment is reduced considerably. And it often may be possible to avoid having to conduct a flap surgery (soft tissue surgery).
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