The Nature, Purpose, and Benefits of Dental Veneers

The Nature, Purpose, and Benefits of Dental Veneers

Once, the dentist’s role was mainly pain relief, extracting or repairing bad or damaged teeth. Now, veneers, crowns, and implants can address cosmetic issues. Although the need for primary dental treatments has not been significantly reduced, many patients have become more concerned about their appearance despite the plethora of new and improved oral care products.

This new focus can probably be attributed mainly to the media. How often does one come across a hit movie in which a protagonist of either gender does not have teeth that appear to shine like LEDs? Those sparkling white smiles enhance their looks while seeming to radiate confidence. However, it is easy to overlook the fact that these highly desirable attributes are the work of a specialist cosmetic dentist.

While not everyone possesses the talent or attractive facial features of Brad Pitt or Julia Roberts, with some professional help, anyone could have an equally impressive smile. If that is your goal, dental veneers can be a good choice for several reasons:

  • Minimal discomfort: Compared to the alternative cosmetic procedures, attaching a thin layer of shiny white material to its surface to disguise a discoloured, cracked or misshapen tooth only requires the dentist to remove a small quantity of enamel to ensure optimum adhesion. Because fitting leaves the nerves and roots untouched, it is a comparatively comfortable process with the added benefit of conserving more of the natural tooth structure.
  • Stain resistance: The porcelain layer is resistant to stains, ensuring that its cosmetic effect will endure for years and, with it, that sparkling white smile.
  • Durability: If wearers abide by the appropriate guidelines and exercise sound oral care, like brushing with a specially formulated prescription-strength toothpaste, their porcelain veneers can last as long as fifteen to twenty years.
  • Economical: Dental veneers are cheaper than other restorations like dentures, crowns and bridges. Ceramic restorations are the most affordable option and can be created at the chairside with an automated milling machine, CAD/CAM software and 3D models generated by an intraoral scanner. However, although cheaper and quicker to manufacture, ceramics are less durable than porcelain.


Why You Need to Choose the Right Dentist to Fit Your Veneers

You have probably noticed on more than one occasion that those shiny white incisors in a TV commercial or magazine appear somewhat larger than life, more as if they belong to a cow or a horse than in the jaw of a human. This phenomenon seems pretty unlikely to be the patient’s choice and is almost certainly the result of flawed cosmetic dentistry by an experienced practitioner.

Furthermore, oversized teeth are just one thing that could go wrong as a result of inexperience. For example, the use of insufficient or poor-quality cement could cause a veneer to loosen and become lost or even swallowed. In other cases, misalignment could make it more visible, which would ultimately defeat its purpose.


Entrust your Cosmetic Dentistry Requirements To Dr Ivan Marx

With thirty years of experience to call on, Dr Ivan Marx is a notable pioneer of modern South African Dentistry and an acknowledged leader in cosmetic and CEREC dentistry. Please don’t hesitate to contact his Johannesburg or Pretoria surgery today to discuss how he can create a perfect smile for you.